Saturday, January 8, 2011

Karma Shmarma

Remember when I said I was going to volunteer my blood, sweat, and tears for Habitat for Humanity in order to reverse my karma?  I need fantastic karma instead of the craptastic karma I currently have.  I eagerly await my volunteer email outlining what they were doing on both houses under construction.  When this email arrived yesterday, I noticed that all work was outside work.  Like digging holes, building a deck, and putting up vinyl siding. 
I am not afraid of outside work (afraid of saws, yes, but not of working outside).  Unless the current weather forecast has us receiving snow and/or rain in 30 degree temperatures (then I am afraid of outside work).  I thought about it….I thought about the loyal volunteers going out there and building a family a house in the cold.  I thought that it would give me an extra dose of good karma points for doing it in the freezing temperatures.  But I would be cold and miserable.  And I really didn’t have any clothes to wear for digging holes in the freezing cold (I had many other excuses as well).  I’ll admit it, I did not want to experience personal discomfort in this ordeal.  I didn’t go to build today.  I went shopping instead (which is helping me in my frugality goal, right?).   But feeling guilty for my decision meant a little something….because my karma was somewhat restored….and I found this spectacular handbag!  Someone with very little taste received this Kate Spade handbag as a gift and DIDN’T WANT IT!  Crazy fools.  My Macy’s doesn’t even carry Kate Spade, but there it sat, right beside the register with a heavenly light falling upon it.  I carefully picked it up and laughed out loud when I read the price.  Then I checked the price on the electronic price check-y thingy.  It was more than half off!  I had to have it.  So here is my new shimmery purse (and all I gave up in return was some feel-good volunteering and my new found frugality)….

Later I got the email stating that all building was cancelled due to weather.  So I didn't skip out after all.  I'll volunteer.  At somepoint.  In the future.  Maybe when it is a smidgen warmer and less snowy.  Until then I'll just prance around with my shiny new bag on my shoulder.

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